Welcome to my personal website. This is a home for all my favourite things, learnings and musings over the years as I move, sometimes gracefully and sometimes not so much, through the different phases of our beautiful life.
Triathlete, traveler, engineer, Greek living in London… My name is Christina and I am… so many things! And these things change - or better, evolve and I think this is wonderful as the potential is endless.
In 2011 I moved to London looking for a blank canvas to paint my dreams on. It started with an engineering career that gave me financial independence and launched my love for traveling and exploring.
After years of studying and hard work, my childhood love for sport and movement re-emerged as a pursuit of ‘balance’. Although bumpy, it led me to triathlon in 2019. I now believe this was always meant to be and will be for a while as this sport suits my personality and challenges me as nothing ever has before, gifting me with the wildest dreams to follow.
Because triathlon is an excellent example of following a process that can be so rewarding - not just when achieving an end goal but throughout - especially for someone like me that started as a complete beginner in swimming and cycling, and really only having done very limited running prior. Mastering three different sports and putting them together is not an easy feat and nothing but linear or simple, hence the ‘ultimate’ challenge. Importantly, this sport gets you outside, it connects you to the nature’s different elements and takes you places, giving you a beautiful sense of freedom. Ultimately, it’s those peak moments of flow you get to experience when you have followed a diligent process of trying to master something, day in and day out for longer than what most would think. Training and racing create perfect opportunities to transcend yourself and that’s when you get to savour what ‘dreams are made of’. If anyone asks what keeps me going doing these ‘crazy thigs’, that’s it for me. And that’s what I mostly talk about here.
Journaling and writing was something I enjoyed since my teenage years but gowning up I moved away from it - however the pull was always there. ‘Writing more’ has consistently been a resolution I’ve been striving to follow in many different forms over the last few years, latest of which has been in social media. I have recently realised that there is never enough space there for all I want to express. Everything is short-lived and ‘instant’ and that’s not for me.
So this is a space:
for me to share my musings and experiences written over the years, published retrospectively and onwards, live
for me to write more and open the door of interaction with the reader
where I get to put some structure to a curiosity I am following, having no clue where it will lead me
collect and present photography collected over years of travel that would otherwise simply ‘die’ in a dusty hard drive
Welcome and I hope you enjoy the ride with me!